ISA Newsletter February 2019

Photography in Art

A great example of how a photography piece could complete the interiors of a room is in the interior of Jullianne Moore's home. A life size Jack Pierson photograph hangs above a custom made ivory built cabinet in the dining room, as illustrated in Architectural Digest, 2018. Filling a substantial space between the top of the sink and the ceiling the picture of an ocean's horizon creates a holistic sensibility of the room's concept. The photo is calm and collected with a sophisticated dash of verdant green that brings light to the space.


Upcoming Exhibition 13th March: 'Reinventing Eve'
Our upcoming show in celebration of Kartini day will feature  fourteen pioneering women artists who have been through a well-respected artistic journey;  'Arahmaiani, Ella Wijt, Ines Katamso, Inge Kotjo, Lindy Lee, Marisa Ng, Mary Lou Pavlovic, Melati Suryodharmo, Melissa Tan, Mella Jaarsma, Natisa Jones, Rega Ayundya, Sally Smart and Sinta Tantra.  A special talk featuring Carla Bianpoen with the topic "The Future Has Arrived" will be presented on the 13th of March at 10AM.    "Art: Through the Public and Private Eye" will be presented by Mari Pangestu and  Deborah Iskandar on the 16th of March at 2pm. The exhibition opening will take place on the 13th of March from 6-8pm at the 1 Park Avenue Function Hall, Jakarta and will be open for public until the 17th of March 2019.

February 6, 2019
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