ISA December Newsletter 2022








This year, various art events, exhibitions, and art fairs are reemerging after 2 years of the global COVID-19 pandemic. During the pandemic, artists kept their light of hope shining by continuing to create art and participate in on-line events. ISA Art Gallery presents “Light in Retrospective” to trace back and highlight artists' achievements during the pandemic. The exhibition embodies Soekarno's words, "history is a mirror for a brighter future."


In this exhibition, we chose 18 contemporary artists that had participated in ISA Art exhibitions throughout the year, including A. Sebastian, Arahmaiani Feisal, Ardi Gunawan, Bandu Darmawan, Condro Priyoaji, Dawn Ng, Galih Adhika, Hadassah Emerich, Ines Katamso, Jompet Kuswidananto, Luh Gede Sangita, Yaya Sung, Bonggal Jordan, Jumaadi, Yogie Ginanjar, Nico Dharmajungen, Sekarputi Sidhiawati, Sinta Tantra, Tara Kasenda, Timoteus Anggawan Kusno, Yuki Nakayama, and Yosefa Aulia. All the works chosen will ignite our perception of contemporary issues and current discussions. The diverse backgrounds of the artists provide us with different perspectives on today’s world, such as social politics, the development of history, women’s roles, and the blurred boundary between science and culture. The artists are also exploring the aspects of mind, aesthetics, artistic feelings, as well as the artists’ imagination and interest.


Light in Retrospective is a form of support for the art ecosystem, specifically for the artist to continue creating art, contributing to society, and sharing the artistic experience regardless of the condition. 


Light in Retrospective will be open from 14th December 2022 to 20th January 2023, at ISA Art Gallery in Wisma BNI 46.


For more information about these exhibitions and other ISA Art & Design exhibitions, visit our website at or go to our Instagram page at






Constellations: Global Reflections opened during Bali's G20 and B20 summit. The international art exhibition will showcase artworks by twenty leading contemporary artists from each G20 member country. Inspired by the ongoing discussion at the G20, the artists bring topics such as climate change and equity to global collaborations that are created in two-dimensional artworks. Curated by Lance Fung, the chief curator for Fung Collaboratives, the exhibition is meant to inspire a metaphorical conversation with world leaders regarding the common issues that occur worldwide.


The exhibition features twenty-two contemporary artists from around the world: A.D. Pirous, Arahmaiani, Ben Vautier, Berkay Bugdan, Caio Reisewitz, Dana Awartani, Emilia Kabakov, Genevieve Cadieux, Ilya Kabakov, Kiki Smith, Kimsooja, Kota Hirakawa, Liliana Porter, Minerva Cuevas, Naledi Tshegofatso Modupi, N.S. Harsha, Paola Pivi, Thomas Ruff, Tony Albert, Yinka Shonibare, and Xu Bing. Each artist represents their national and cultural traditions through their artworks while the lanterns take references from Indonesia's arts and crafts, such as Balinese textiles and wayang. The bringing together of multiple international artists in one exhibition reflects the unity of passions, creativity, and ideas in making art.


Constellations: Global Reflections will be exhibited at Kura Kura Bali until March 2023. This exhibition includes an online artist talk you can freely join on 9th December 2022 at 10 AM (GMT+7) Jakarta WIB. We invite you to join this opportunity to hear some from the participating artists; Tony Robert, Paola Pivi, Kota Hirakawa, Naledi Tshegofatso Modupi, and Caio Reisewitz by clicking link below.




Galih Adika was born in Serang on June 25, 1994. He graduated with a Bachelor of Fine Arts from Bandung Institute of Technology in 2018. Galih has participated in several exhibitions, including "ARTJOG MMXXI: Arts in Common: Time (to) Wonder" at the Jogja National Museum, and received a Silver Award in the Professional Category at UOB Painting of the Year 2019. Through his practice, he delves into the relationship between subject and object. He turns his curiosity about the transformation of values and meanings from virtual to physical or natural objects into ideas. Galih treats processed material, pictures, and objects as text that can be seen as it is, slashed, switched, or set aside. He likes to imagine if words can multiply, move, and define layers of meaning. Images and objects contain memories; he believes both live in human sense and interpretation. Pictures and things can be visualized as words, assembled into scenes, and scenes are formed into an experience.



In Residual, he also explores the past. However, in this work, the words and objects are not intertwined. Residual is a container for his unassembled memories scattered around his mind. It is an appreciation of not-so-important memories that sometimes just become a "residue" of our thoughts.





Vienasty Rezqina was born and raised in Bandung. She studied Fine Arts at the Bandung Institute of Technology in 2017. She is interested in how visual images on the internet have become a new reality that has formed generic and stereotypical perceptions. Humans easily perceive graphical images, and it intrigues her curiosity to discover new possibilities in paintings and two-dimensional art in this artificial era.



Tarot and astrology have become popular spiritual beliefs among young people due to the internet. Vienasty finds it fascinating that online culture has become a medium for many people interested in learning tarot. She applies her beliefs about tarot to her artistic practice by using iconography from the internet and combining it with the unclear wording the artist uses to tell her story. Vienasty has participated in many exhibitions in Indonesia and Singapore since 2018.

December 23, 2022
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