ISA October Newsletter 2022



ISA Art & Design proudly presents “Penumbra”, a joint exhibition of two artists who tackle with the visuals of shadow and light, Bandu Darmawan and Condro Priyoaji. Bandu Darmawan is an artist who was born in Cilacap and has undergone Intermedia art education at Bandung Institute of Technology. Bandu often experiments with various mediums including using a lot of technological tools in his installation work. Condro is an artist who was born in Jember and has studied Painting at the Bandung Institute of Technology. Condro Priyoaji uses conventional painting techniques with acrylic as a medium on planes and spaces. Condro absorbs light as a source of how colors are caught by the eye and perceived.


The exhibition title “Penumbra” is derived from a Latin word which is a mere lighter shade that hangs on the outskirts of the ‘umbra’, the darkest part of the shadow. The term refers to the play of shadows in the visuals that both artists present. In the works of the two artists showing the phenomenon of shadows, how to record and present them, Condro and Bandu present spatial scenarios of producing their works through the practice or imagination of physics either through what is caught by the eye in the form of shadows, light or similar to shadows. The eye-catching perception of this trail presents the audience with a spatial scenario.


Penumbra is available for viewing from October 22nd to November 26th 2022 at ISA Art Gallery, Wisma 46 – Kota BNI, Jl. Jendral Sudirman No. Kav. 1, Jakarta.


For more information about this exhibition and other ISA Art & Design exhibitions, visit our website at or go to our Instagram page at





UPCOMING |Art Moments 2022


Art Moments Jakarta (AMJ) is an international-class art exhibition held with the aim of supporting the development of fine arts in Indonesia as well as positioning Jakarta as one of the largest art destinations in Southeast Asia. AMJ will display contemporary, modern and traditional works of art from leading galleries, both from within and outside the country.


ISA’s participating artists are A. Sebastianus, Galih Adika, Hadassah Emmerich, Ines Katamso, Jumaadi, Luh Gede Sangita Yasa, Sinta Tantra, Vienasty, Yosefa Aulia, Yogie Ginanjar and Yuki Nakayama.


Art Moments will be available for viewing from 4 – 6 November 2022, located at Sheraton Grand Jakarta Gandaria City Hotel – Grand Ballroom and Gandaria City Hall (GC Hall).









TITICARA: An Annual Women Artists Exhibition


Sign up to join our curatorial tour for “Titicara: An Annual Women Artists Exhibition” with Heru Hikayat and Syagini Ratna Wulan on October 21st 2022 at Selasar Sunaryo.


Tour will be held at 2 PM, open and free for public for a maximum of 20 participants.

Please contact Selasar Sunaryo Art Space’s PR for tour registration Titis [0851-9500-4505]




A collaborative exhibition between Selasar Sunaryo Art Space and ISA Art and Design Jakarta, Titicara, showcasing works from 23 women artists from Indonesia, Japan, the Philippines, Australia, and Singapore, selected by Syagini Ratna Wulan.


Presenting works of Aurora Arazzi, Ay Tjoe Christine, Chairin Hayati Joedawinata, Corinne de San Jose (Philippines), Dawn Ng (Singapore), Donna Ong (Singapore), Ella Wijt, Elia Nurvista, Erna Garnasih Pirous, Etza Meisyara, Ines Katamso, Kanoko Takaya, Kinez Riza, Leyla Stevens (Australia), Maharani Mancanagara, Melissa Tan (Singapore), Mira Rizki, Patricia Untario, Putri Larasati, Sekarputri Sidhiawati, Tara Kasenda, Vienasty Rezqina, dan Yosefa Aulia, this exhibition highlights the importance of technical abilities and understanding material properties as the foundation for the artists’ manifestation of their concept, imagination, or artistic expression. These two need to be scrutinised progressively by the artist through study and exploration of various possibilities.


This exhibition is being held from August 13th to October 30th 2022 at Ruang A, Ruang B, Ruang Sayap, Bale Tonggoh, and Amphitheater of Selasar Sunaryo Art Space. The exhibition opens from Tuesday – Sunday, 10AM-5PM.                






Born in Jember in 1993, Condro Priyoaji is a painter who lives and works in Bandung. He graduated from FSRD ITB majoring in painting. His artistic journey began when he was in high school, starting with the world of street art such as graffiti and murals. In 2014, he started to exhibit his works actively.

His habit of painting to this day influences how he sees life. He saw a landscape that caught the eye as a composition of colour pigments. Until now, interest in the phenomenon of colour has become a common thread in the series of works he has worked on. Condro often participates in several art exhibitions and events including the most recent being an exhibition together with Sulung Widya in the Broken White Project Program at Acehouse Collective Yogyakarta in 2021 and “Shifting Spaces” Orbital  Dago in Bandung also in 2021. In 2020, Priyoaji exhibited his works in an online exhibition “Manifesto VII PANDEMI” initiated and organized by Galeri Nasional Indonesia.








We are pleased to announce the participation of our representative artist, Alexander Sebastianus at a group exhibition titled “No Paint on Canvas” at Mizuma Gallery Singapore. Curated by Hermanto Soerjanto, the exhibition demonstrates the expansion of the use of unconventional media and technique which plays a big role in the contemporary art. The participating artists are Ari Bayuaji, Sebastianus, Widi Pangestu, Kanchana Gupta and Dawn Ng.

Sebastianus employs traditional weaving as his medium and technique for creating his abstract minimalist artworks. To me it’s a paradox on how a traditional knowledge was used to produce artworks that is so avant-garde. It’s a medium and technique that already exists for hundreds of years, but I have rarely seen it in the context of fine art especially in the notion that is so contemporary.” – Hermanto Soerjanto

“No Paint on Canvas” is available to view from 14 October – 13 November 2022.


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