ISA August Newsletter 2022



Celebrating the 60th anniversary of Hotel Indonesia – Kempinski, ISA Art Gallery presents Origins, a pop-up exhibition featuring 20 Indonesian and three overseas artists with diverse backgrounds in their cultural and artistic identities to celebrate the journey of Indonesian history. The participating artists in this exhibition include, Adam de Boer, A.D Pirous, Agus Suwage, Agung Eko Sutrisno, Anastasia Astika, A.Sebastianus, Arahmaiani Feisal, Chaerul Umam, Eddy Susanto, Eddi Prabandono, Eko Nugroho, FX Harsono, Gamelatron, Hardi Budi, I Made Wianta, Jim Alllen Abel, Jompet Kuswidananto, Nico Dharmajungen, Reza Kutjh, Sinta Tantra, Etza Meisyara, Gede Mahendra Yasa, and Yunizar.


ISA Art Gallery has selected various Indonesian and international artists who have explored cultural contexts through diverse mediums of art, using the conventional medium of painting and sculpture and the new media art as sound-kinetic sculpture, photography, mixed media paintings, etching, weavings, and embroidery.


Origins is available for viewing on 5th August - 31st August 2022, located at Hotel Indonesia Kempinski, Jakarta.


For more information about this exhibition and other ISA Art & Design exhibitions, visit our website at or go to our Instagram page at







ISA Art & Design presents Constellations of Being, a solo exhibition of a British artist of Balinese descent, Sinta Tantra, curated by Sadiah Boonstra. The British-Balinese artist openly speaks about the stereotypical expectations she has encountered as a female artist of color. No matter where Tantra shows her work, audiences feel the need to understand her multicultural identity.


Her artworks are known internationally for the way she played with colours, forms, and geometry; shapes and lines that are beautifully integrated to create a meaningful piece of art. According to Tantra, colour is very essential to her practice as it serves as a bridge between the language of art and industry. The combination of abstraction and modernism allow the audience to engage and create their own narratives that might vary at different times of the day. As the artist says, “I’m interested in creating a kind of tension for the viewer in the compositions and combinations, a place where they can find their narrative, where I can find my narrative.”


Looking for new connections with Bali and her family history, Tantra is determined to overcome cliched distinctions between the so-called “West” and “East”, “tradition,” and “modernity” which continue to be deeply embedded in exoticized imaginations of Bali.


“I want to connect with people on a level that transcends words and cultures. I have a vocabulary of shapes and colors that I can arrange and de-arrange and a self-constructed set of rules that I can adhere to or, at times, break,” Tantra says.


Tantra's new series of paintings “Constellations of Being” revolves around stories and family histories that she looked into over the course of the pandemic. It draws inspiration from silhouettes of coral reefs and tropical foliage, floating against a backdrop of geometric forms and raw linen. Motif outlines drawn from European painters such as Henri Matisse and Jean Arp are layered together with figurative forms that draw on Balinese artist Nyoman Lempad while the installation Constellations of Being (installation) (2022)  takes reference from Lee Ufan. Tantra's paintings create a pictorial space where European modernism collages with her Balinese heritage and identity. 


Constellations of Being will be available for viewing from 6 August through September 2022, located at the ISA Art Gallery Wisma 46, Jakarta.


For more information about this exhibition and other ISA Art & Design exhibitions, visit our website at or go to our Instagram page at











ISA Art & Design is pleased to announce that Titicara, our annual exhibition of female artists selected by Syagini Ratna Wulan, has been expanded and will open at Selasar Sunaryo from 13th August - 30th October, 2022. Syagini introduces 24 diverse and dynamic female artists that explore unconventional material and creation methods. Titicara displays the scope of methods these artists have explored on how their artistic practices are communicated through its medium and influence from different historical timelines.


The participating artists are: Aurora Arazzi, Ay Tjoe Christine, Corinne De San Jose, Dawn Ng, Donna Ong, Ella Wijt, Elia Nuvista, Erna Garnasih, Etza Meisyara, Gintani Swatika, Ines Katamso, Kanoko Takaya, Kines, Leyla Stevens, Maharani, Melissa Tan, Mira Rizki, Patricia Untario, Putri Larasati, Ibu Rini, Sekarputi Sidhawati, Tara Kasenda, Vienasty Rezqina, and Yosefa Aulia.


In this exhibition, Syagini sees her role not as a curator but as an observer and commentator on materiality and practices among female artists. In selecting the title, Syagini was looking to see the diversity of media and material treatment of various artists with different backgrounds as reflected in their identity as female artists.


For the younger artists included, Syagini seeks to encourage them to explore new media for their art. A curator who is also an artist will not discuss the themes, styles, and tendencies but rather becomes a facilitator who supports the development of the artist's work from a technical point of view.


Through Titicara, ISA and Syagini show that female artists are diverse individuals whose stories reflect, intersect, resonate, and influence their communities and society at large and their identity can also be seen in terms of the materials they bring as a piece of work.


???????????????????????????????? will be held at Selasar Sunaryo Art Space: Jl. Bukit Pakar Timur No.100, Ciburial, Kec. Cimenyan, Kabupaten Bandung, Jawa Barat from 13 August - 30 October 2022.


For more information about the participating artists and artwork in this exhibition, visit our website at, or go to our Instagram page at





ISA Art & Design is honored to participate in one of the most awaited art events in the city, Art Jakarta. Marking the twelfth edition of Art Jakarta, ISA Art & Design is selected as one of the local galleries presenting works from Alexander Sebastianus, Arahmaiani, Aaron Taylor Kuffner (Gamelatron), Hadassah Emerich, Ida Lawrence, Ines Katamso, Jumaadi, Marisa R. Ng., Miko Veldkamp, Sinta Tantra, Tara Kasenda, and Vanessa Jones.


ISA is also presenting a new work from Jompet Kuswidananto.


Art Jakarta will be held at JCC (Jakarta Convention Center) Senayan, located in Gelora Bung Karno Sports Complex, Jakarta, Indonesia from 26 August – 28 August 2022. ISA will be at booth C3.


Tickets are available online starting in August 2022. For more information about the participating artists and artwork in this exhibition, visit our website at, or go to our Instagram page at




Born in 1973, Jumaadi moved from East Java, Indonesia, to Sydney, Australia, in 1997 to study at the National Art School. He graduated in 2000 with a Bachelor of Fine Art and then again in 2008 with a Master of Fine Art. Before immigrating to Australia, Jumaadi was an Art Educator at the PPLH Environmental Education Centre in Seloliman, East Java (Indonesia).


Jumaadi’s ‘most typical subject matter’ is love (either romantic or familial) portrayed in varied forms. More often than not, his work revolves around demons, spirits, and fanciful creatures; John McDonald notes ‘story-telling’ as intrinsic to Jumaadi’s ‘personal history and psyche’ (Catalogue Essay, An arm, and a Leg, 2018).


His works have been showcased in several institutional shows and exhibitions, including the Perahu-Perahu OzAsia Festival at Adelaide Festive Centre, The 10th Asia Pacific Triennial of Contemporary Art (APT10) at Queensland Art Gallery, Gallery of Modern Art,  The Big Picture Show King Street Gallery on William Sydney, The Dobell Drawing Prize NAS and Biennale Jogja XVI Equator #6 in Indonesia. His works were also selected in solo exhibitions, including Works on Paper (2021) and The Buffalo (2020) at King Street Gallery on William and My Love is on an island far away at Mosman Art Gallery, Sydney 2019-2020. 


Jumaadi currently lives and works between Yogyakarta, Indonesia, and Mosman, Sydney.






August 23, 2022
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