ISA May Newsletter 2022

News Letter
Women Show Teaser


Perceptions about women have been a subject in every women artists' works. Studies about women's influence on women artists can be obtained from many sources, such as books, literature, journals, and also the internet. Women artists also play a part in spreading the information. But works won't execute a good concept without great technique comprehension. It depends on how an artist understands the materials used. Mediums and materials are things every artist should master.


ISA Art & Design presents a group exhibition showcasing women artists curated by Syagini Ratna Wulan, a notable Indonesian Modern & Contemporary artist. Syagini and ISA Art & Design have chosen to introduce 16 diverse and dynamic groups of artists that have been exploring different art mediums that open up a host of possibilities. This exhibit enables the sharing of individual experiences with unexpected materials and unconventional methods of creating.


The sixteen female participating artists are; Aurora Arazzi, Corinne De San Jose, Dawn Ng, Donna Ong, Ella Wijt, Elia Nuvista, Etza Meisyara, Erna Garnasih, Ines Katamso, Kanoko Takaya, Nicole Coson, Sekarputi Sidhawati, Tara Kasenda, Yosefa Aulia, Leyla Stevens, and Vienasty Rezqina. This Exhibition is planned to be held on June 4 at ISA Art Gallery and August 5 at Selasar Sunaryo Bandung.


For more information about this exhibition and other ISA Art & Design Exhibitions, please visit our Instagram and website






Infusions into Contemporary


The National Gallery of Indonesia, which has hosted some of the country’s most prominent artworks, exhibitions, and cultural activities since 1999 will be showcasing 10 established women artists in an exhibition entitled Indonesian Women Artists #3: Infusions Into Contemporary Art


The exhibition is features women artists who were born between 1948–1969, have undoubtedly brought fresh outlooks to the contemporary Indonesian art scene with their active, often provocative artistic endeavors — such as Arahmaiani, Dolorosa Sinaga, Melati Suryodarmo, Mella Jaarsma, Sri Astari Rasyid, Titarubi, Bibiana Lee, Dyan Anggraini, Indah Arsyad, and Nunung W.S..


The featured artworks strongly reflect this curatorial premise, as they do not seek to represent these artists’ womanhood. Instead, the works unveil the artists’ criticisms of global issues including historical, political, or environmental — which affect them and their local and international communities. The exhibition will be held from March 30 to April 24, 2022.


For more information about this exhibition and other ISA Art & Design Exhibitions, please visit our Instagram and website







Artist Spotlight: Dawn Ng


Dawn Ng is a multi-hyphenate visual artist, who has worked across a breadth of mediums, motives and scale, including sculpture, photography, light, film, collage, painting and large scale installations. Her practice deals with time, memory and the ephemeral. Often characterized by lyricism and a nuanced use of color,


Dawn’s work has been acquired by the Singapore Art Museum, and exhibited at the Musee d’art contemporain de Lyon, and the Lille3000 art festival, France.


She has had solos in Art Basel Hong Kong and the Art Paris & Art Fair, and shown in Sydney, Shanghai, Jakarta and New York. In 2016, Dawn was commissioned by the Hermes Foundation to inaugurate their Singapore gallery with a solo installation, and was also part of the Jeju Biennale, Korea in 2017. In 2019, Dawn was commissioned to fill a wing of the Art Science Museum for their Floating Utopias exhibition, and opened a commissioned solo at the Asian Civilisations Museum in 2020.

For more information about this exhibition and other ISA Art & Design and our most recent and upcoming exhibitions, please visit our Instagram and our website at



May 23, 2022
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