ISA March Newsletter 2022

March’22 Newsletter
Sustained Rest Exhibition

ISA Art and Design presents “Sustained Rest”, an exhibition showcasing five Indonesian and Japanese artists. “Sustained Rest” comes from a musical term which is a technique considered sufficient to represent this exhibition. Sustained rest is a parameter of sound over time, indicating a period of time during which the sound persists before the signal is muted or silent, and rest is stopped or silent. “Sustained Rest” means a silent state but there is still a period of time the sound remains and is heard. Like an object that is silent but still sounds and feels the tension when presented. 


This exhibition tries to present the substance of the selection of artists with different mediums and materials and also the selection of works with color harmony. Color can affect the human soul strongly or affect human emotions, when sensitivity is played in the senses by presenting the essence of color that enters the receptors on the senses, it will cause and channel the essence of emotion.


This exhibition seeks to create a harmony of color and tension between the object and the medium, with the diversity of the mediums owned by the artists but still have harmonization in color. The color harmony from the curation of the selection of this exhibition is in color matching, but each work has different spatial characteristics. In the medium or object that the artist presents in this exhibition, there are subjective events to deliver each narrative they have. This exhibition examines the transformation of objects and situations of each artist.


'Sustained Rest' will be held on 12 March–30 April 2022 at Wisma 46 Kota BNI gallery with 5 participating artists: A. Sebastianus, Bonggal Hutagalung, Galih Adika, Yuki Nakayama, and Yusra Martunus. For more information about this exhibition and other ISA Art & Design Exhibitions, please visit our Instagram and website





Galeri Nasional Exhibtion: Para Sekutu yang Tidak Bisa Berkata Tidak


Galeri Nasional Indonesia with Goethe-Institut Indonesien presents some selected artworks collection from Galeri Nasional Indonesia, Hamburger Bahnhof - Museum für Gegenwart - Berlin, MAIIAM Contemporary Art Museum in Chiang Mai, and Singapore Art Museum. This is part of the project “Collecting Entanglements and Embodied Histories”, a long-term curatorial dialogue project initiated by Goethe-Institut, in collaboration with four leading art institutions in Thailand, Singapore, Germany, and Indonesia. The exhibition titled “Para Sekutu yang Tidak Bisa Berkata Tidak” (translates as The Acquiescent Allies) is part of a series of exhibitions which take place in each country, displaying works from all institutions. Each exhibition features distinctive curatorial narratives led by each curator: Anna-Catharina Gebbers (Germany), Gridthiya Gaweewong (Thailand), June Yap (Singapore) and Grace Samboh (Indonesia). Besides collections of the four institutions, the exhibition also displays selected works from Museum Seni Rupa dan Keramik – Unit Pengelola Museum Seni and some private collections, also historical archives.


The exhibition comes from a desire to create an opportunity to display Galeri Nasional’s collection which has almost 2.000 artworks, only some of which has been publicly displayed. It also has an interest in tracing the genesis of the collection and the institution itself. The purpose of the exhibition is also to mix the collections of four institutions in the spirit of solidarity. The exhibition can be a source of information and an art appreciation platform to the public, while enhancing international art networks. Grace Samboh sees that when an artwork is displayed in different time, place, and layouts, the viewer’s idea about the artwork will also change. There are several ways to look at one artwork, to experience this exhibition and it is up to the viewer how they want to see the artwork.


The exhibition titled “Para Sekutu yang Tidak Bisa Berkata Tidak” will be held at Gedung A, Galeri Nasional Indonesia and open for viewing from January 28 to February 27, 2022, from 10 am to 7 pm. You can do the reservation on For more information about this exhibition and other ISA Art & Design Exhibitions, please visit our Instagram and website




Artist Spotlight: Yuki Nakayama


Yuki Nakayamais an artist born and raised in Okinawa, Japan. In 2008, she decided to move to New York to pursue her passion for the arts. Graduated from Parsons the New School for Design, she studied interior design where she began exploring spaces of play in the domestic and public environment. As her interest grew to larger scales, she graduated from The Cooper Union, where she studied architecture. Before coming back to Okinawa, she lived in New York for over ten years.

Fascinated by playground architecture, her work is influenced and motivated by its history and urgency. She believes that play is the foundation of being; from the moment you are born, it is our inherit tool for survival. Moving between tangible three dimensional spaces and two-dimensional drawings, her interest lays in the spaces that are perhaps lost in translation. Painting came naturally as a medium that bridges the difference. Visualizing new spaces within the gaps of architectural representation, her work focuses on the intimacy of play. Gestures of spaces are painted in bold, while the lines carve out details that invite multiple perspectives to viewers. The speckles of colors inhabit these spaces as they highlight each territory. She intends to continue to use painting as a tool to explore the built environment.

Yuki has participated in exhibitions, such as Two Sides of the Border from Yale School of Architecture in 2019. Yuki also received several awards, George Ledlie Fund Prize, BFA ID Design Award 2015 Graduate, and Dean’s Scholarship. Yuki Nakayama will be featured in “Sustained Rest” exhibition on 12 March-30 April 2022 at Wisma 46 Kota BNI gallery.


March 23, 2022
of 52