ISA February Newsletter 2022


Allure @ISA x Omah Budoyo Jogjayakarta

Artists express their identities to show their idea of creativity through different forms, mediums, and abstraction. Arranged, bent, glued, metal, canvas, lamp, acrylic[1] , these are the few of many ways to show their creativity through the artwork. They are opening themselves to express their ideas and show their true identities by creating arts with no medium limitation.

ISA Art and Design tries to challenge the conventional understanding attached to what should be considered art. We invite Indonesian artists with different regional backgrounds in a collective exhibition entitled “Allure”. This exhibition attempts to observe what is considered relevant in the attractive medium to find formal, contextual, and conceptual slices that drives the artists to be creative with non-conventional mediums. The works in the exhibition encourage the idea of ​​an expanded field of sculpture or painting.

Allure will be held on 22 January–11 March 2022 in ISA Art & Design’s incubator gallery – Omah Budoyo, Yogyakarta, with the following participating artists and cities: I Kadek Didin representing Yogyakarta, Talitha Maranilla and Yaya Sung representing Jakarta, and Wanti Amelia representing Bandung. This exhibition showcases the diversity and dynamism of the medium. In this space, we hope to present an exhibition that supports young artists in their work and contributes to the artist’s city development.

For more information about this exhibition and other ISA Art & Design exhibitions, please visit our Instagram and website


A Tribute to Heritage

It’s the Year of Tiger! In welcoming The Year of Tiger, AGSI (The Indonesian Art Galleries Association) in collaboration with PIK Pantjoran presents “A Tribute to Heritage”, a group art exhibition in collaboration of five galleries: ISA Art and Design, Andi’s Gallery, Art:1 Art Space, Can’s Gallery, and Puri Art Gallery. Each gallery presented their stable of artists. ISA Art and Design is showing works from Agus Suwage, Alexander Sebastianus, Gabriel Aries, Hardi Budi, Luthfi Zulkifli, Marissa Ng, Tempa and Yuki Nakayama.


“A Tribute to Heritage” will be opened for viewing on January 28–February 27 2022 at PIK Pantjoran. For more information about this exhibition and other ISA Art & Design exhibitions, please visit our Instagram and website







Artist Spotlight: Galih Adika


Galih Adika, born in Serang on June 25, 1994, graduated from Bandung Institute of Technology Fine Arts program in 2018. Through his practice, Galih explores themes about the relationship between subject and object. He questions the transformation of values ​​and meanings of virtual to physical or real objects to ideas. Galih imagines the processed material (including pictures & objects) as a text that can appear as is, slashed, switched, eliminated, or set aside.

Galih Adika is currently featured in our group exhibition “Reverberations” in response to a major work to Hendra Gunawan”.  Galih’s work entitled “Footnote” looks at the symbolism of “feet” as illustrated in fine art by both Hendra and western artists

To Galih, the narrative of Hendra Gunawan's thought can be captured through the various visualizations of the exaggerated and symbolic feet in Hendra Gunawan's “The Fish Seller on the Beach”. In a scientific paper, footnotes serve as a place to include the identity of the reference source and citations of information affixed to the body of the paragraph. It reflects an appreciation and reinterpretation of any thought that was first conceived by the author. Without intending to exploit any of its meanings, Galih consciously borrowed from other artistic references in creating this work. He has illustrated Hendra Gunawan's Feet,  Andy Warhol's Feet, Erwin Wurm's Feet, Sarah Lucas' Feet, Mona Hatoum's Feet, Rene Magritte's and Feet & Dog's Feet from Pierre Huyghe in this work. They interpret things about everyday life, culture, body, values ​​and other narratives through simple signs, namely feet. These various sources come from the author's memory which is formed incorrectly. From one foot to the other. From one experience to another. Some are served in its entirety; some served in chunks. A soft medium then binds each foot image separately in the form of water which is used to wash the feet of the family (father, mother & adoptive mother). Instead of re-presenting the old network of meanings, the signs that are collected in a new container form new fragments that may not have a single purpose or even without meaning.

Galih has participated in several exhibitions including “ARTJOG MMXXI: Arts in Common - Time (to) Wonder” at Jogja National Museum, and he received Silver Award on Professional Categories at UOB Painting of The Year 2019.


February 23, 2022
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