ISA Newsletter October 2019

Artist Spotlight : FX Harsono


For more than over four decades, FX Harsono has been one of the pivotal figures in Indonesia's contemporary art world. As one of the key members of the 'Gerakan Seni Rupa Baru' (New Art Movement) of Indonesia (1975), his works explore the historical movements during president Soeharto's dictatorship that triggered a storm of riots and rebellious acts against the government and the brutal segregation of society. A particular perspective seen through the experiences of a Chinese minority, FX challenges his viewers to see and feel through the marginalized and of it's implications. 


See more available works by FX Harsono



Upcoming Exhibitions


Ethereal Minds ICAD Faktor X Maladjustment

15th October - 15th November


World Trade Center Building 2 Lobby, Jl. Jend Sudirman, Jakarta

16th October - 24th November


Grand Kemang Hotel, Jl. Kemang Raya, Jakarta, Indonesia.

26th October - 24th November



Neka Art Museum, Jalan Raya Sanggingan, Kedewatan, Ubud, Bali, Indonesia.



Art & Design



Louis Vuitton Exotic Skins, Langham                  The Principle of Dorya, Maison Haim. 
Artwork: Untitled, Ahmad Sadali (1985).

Residence. Artworks: (Left) Sally Smart

The Choreography of Cutting,

(Right) Sinta Tantra Tabuhan Tabuhan

Screen II in Sapphire, Violet & Prussian

(Colin McPhee)








October 2, 2019
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