
Five emergent artists based in Ireland, Patryk Gizicki, Katerina Gribkoff, Ethan McGarry, Asha Murray  and Jan O’ Connell explore questions of environment, globalisation, social inequality and rapid technological change. These emerging artists cast a critical eye on the world around them, employing an interdisciplinary approach to create works that resonate with the intricacies of our interconnected yet polarized global community.


As Ireland undergoes a rapid generational shift, and its young and emergent artists are remixing the distinctive cultural traditions and expression of the island in new forms —bringing them to international audiences through Music, Dance, Art, Literature, and Film—the artistic landscape is evolving. In this transformative journey, these five artists stand as exemplars of the tremendous power of creativity in a society in flux.


This evolution in the artistic and cultural landscape is not unique to Ireland alone but is part of a global phenomenon. Countries worldwide, Indonesia included, are navigating shifts in demographics, urbanization, technological advancements, and evolving cultural attitudes. These multifaceted changes contribute to a broader transformation in societal structures and values, impacting different generations in diverse ways.

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