Galih Adika Indonesian, b. 1994
In a scientific paper, footnotes serve as a place to include the reference source's identity and citations of information affixed to the body of the paragraph. It reflects the appreciation and reinterpretation of each thought that the authors first conceived. Without intending to exploit each of its meanings, the sign has also been consciously borrowed from other sources. The feet of Hendra Gunawan, the feet of Andy Warhol, the feet of Erwin Wurm, the feet of Sarah Lucas, the feet of Mona Hatoum, the feet of Rene Magritte & the feet of the dog from Pierre Huyghe. They interpret things about daily life, culture, body, values and other narratives through simple signs, namely feet. A tribute to the feet as a sign. These various sources stem from the author's memory, which are formed imprecisely. From one foot to the other. From one experience to another. Some are presented in their entirety; some are presented in pieces. A soft medium then ties together each separate leg image in the form of water used for washing the feet of the family (father, mother & foster mother). Instead of re-presenting the old network of meanings, the signs gathered in a new container form new fragments that may not have one purpose or even no meaning.