A Closer Look at Women Artists
A collaborative exhibition between Selasar Sunaryo Art Space and ISA Art and Design Jakarta, Titicara, showcasing works from 23 women artists from Indonesia, Japan, the Philippines, Australia, and Singapore, selected by Syagini Ratna Wulan.
Bandung, August 2022 – Selasar Sunaryo Art Space
opens their new exhibition, Titicara. The exhibition at Selasar Sunaryo is a continuation of Titicara that was held at Wisma 46, Kota BNI Jakarta, designed to fill the four SSAS Exhibition Spaces and Amphitheatre, with the addition of five new artists and several alterations to the displayed works.
Presenting works of Aurora Arazzi, Ay Tjoe Christine, Chairin Hayati Joedawinata, Corinne de San Jose (Philippines), Dawn Ng (Singapore), Donna Ong (Singapore), Ella Wijt, Elia Nurvista, Erna Garnasih Pirous, Etza Meisyara, Ines Katamso, Kanoko Takaya, Kinez Riza, Leyla Stevens (Australia), Maharani Mancanagara, Melissa Tan (Singapore), Mira Rizki, Patricia Untario, Putri Larasati, Sekarputri Sidhiawati, Tara Kasenda, Vienasty Rezqina, dan Yosefa Aulia, This exhibition highlights the importance of technical abilities and understanding material properties as the foundation for the artists’ manifestation of their concept, imagination, or artistic expression. These two need to be scrutinised progressively by the artist through study and exploration of various possibilities.
For this reason, Syagini’s role involves being a discussion partner and facilitator in this program, especially for young/emerging women artists. They regularly hold appointments and discuss the harmony between ideas, work schemes, technical quality, and material considerations. Syagini recommends and encourages the artists to try new materials and techniques so that their work continues to evolve. She also facilitated several artists for final finishing, such as input on the use of viable protective materials for the surface of the Along with rich visuals that represent ideas relating to the surrounding social environment, imaginary nature,
exploration of various shapes and colours, or personal reflection, we can also ascertain something more technical in “Titicara”: the diverse ways women artists present the best display of their work.
Perhaps this is the meaning that we can comprehend from the expression of the sculptor Rita Widagdo which his student, Sunaryo, always remembers; In her work, Rita "does not pursue visually pleasing forms, but rather well-formed ones." This expression is a reflection based on art practice principles that we can learn from a teacher and a woman artist — who has demonstrated precision in terms of technique during her fifty years of career, is aware of the material properties and has the drive to always present works of the finest quality.
Initiated by Syagini Ratna Wulan in conjunction with Selasar Sunaryo Art Space and ISA Art and Design Jakarta, this exhibition is being held from August 13th to October 30th 2022 at Ruang A, Ruang B, Ruang Sayap, Bale Tonggoh, and Amphitheater of Selasar Sunaryo Art Space. The exhibition opens from Tuesday – Sunday, 10AM-4PM.
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