Ida Lawrence Indonesian–Australian, b. 1988
I always ask for a window seat: to peer down (dan nangis) into the craters of volcanoes; to peek the blindfolded people trying to walk between banyan trees in the alun-alun (ternyata! Si pohon beringinnya meloncat ke samping!); to spot the bend in the river and the bridge at the turn-off to my grandmother’s house (kiri! Saya turun di sini saja Bu Pilot). To imagine: what my aunties and uncles are doing (hari ini menjahit apa Lik? Budhe dan Pakdhe mau mampir Pakdhe di sebrang sungai ya? Jangan lupa pakai helm yaaa. Dan kencangkan tali helmnya!); what my cousins are up to (aduh Mbak gak pernah istirahat. Aku akan membayangkan momen istirahat buatmu ya. Santai dulu Mbak, tarik nafas); what my nieces and nephews are playing (lihat insekt apa di sawah? Nonton apa di TV? Bulik ganggu ya, banyak pertanyaan).
We land and must wait for ages for our baggage to appear. Mine is one of the very last, but I pass the time by imagining what others bring with them."