Inventions of a Present: Art Moment Jakarta 2024

9 - 11 August 2024
ISA Art Gallery presents "Inventions of a Present," an exhibition showcasing nineteen diverse  artists at ArtMoments Jakarta 2024. Drawing inspiration from Frederic Jameson's influential  work with the same title, the exhibition explores the complexities of contemporary culture,  capitalism, and the transformative power of art. Featured artists, including A. Sebastianus, Ardi  Gunawan, Asha Murray, Condro Priyoaji, Dabi Arnasa, Eun Vivian Lee, Etza Meisyara, Galih  Adika Paripurna, Ines Katamso, Jan O’Connell, Jumaadi, Katerina Gribkoff, Rose Cameron,  Sinta Tantra, Tara Kasenda, Tina Nur Azizah, Yuki Nakayama, Yosefa Aulia, and Zikry  Rediansyah. The artists utilize various mediums and aesthetic strategies to tackle pressing  issues such as environmental concerns and social justice. Through their innovative and  experimental practices, these artists invite viewers to critically engage with and reimagine our  present realities. The exhibition serves as a platform for cultural critique and celebrates the  dynamic relationships between art, society, and utopian thought