Tantular can be understood as the originator of the motto ""Bhinneka Tunggal Ika,"" written in one of his works, Kakawin Sutasoma. It can also be interpreted as an entity that remains unaffected by others, reflecting the widespread concern among Indonesians about being ""influenced"" by the preferences or lifestyles of others in a heterogeneous society. This concern has led to discrimination, persecution, and execution of those perceived as conflicting with Abrahamic religious teachings, neglecting the fact that many other beliefs are also protected by the state, as stated in the national motto.
The artist presents Tantular in the format of a wayang performance. The gunungan, created from various types of fabric cut, spun, and interwoven from different garments, symbolizes unity in diversity. At the top of the gunungan, a statue of a child is placed, symbolizing hope in the younger generation who can be flexible and adaptable to diversity, an inseparable part of life. This aligns with the life philosophy embodied in the gunungan."