
''Gamelatron: Sonic Kinetic Sculptures''is an exhbition curated by ISA Art Advisory that brings forth technology as a new element of the contemporary art world in a way that can be used to promote and preserve culture. Kuffner’s robotic sonic sculptures expose the audience to the nature of resonance and open the audience's perception of sound. Kuffner's works  presents sound in a new way that demonstrates the affect it may have on one’s soul. Each Gamelatron is its own orchestra, and draws upon Indonesia’s thousand-year-old tradition of gamelan ensembles.

These handcrafted, masterfully-tuned orchestras of vibraphones, drums, chimes, bells, and resonating bronze gongs are played played by robotic mallets.  The result  immerses the observer in living kinetic sculptures. Compositions range from solitary reverberations of massive gongs and singing chimes to full ritual or storytelling orchestrations. The exhibition will present six different types of Gamelatrons, including new works by Kuffner and the largest one called Gamelatron Bunganya Dewa, which only public showing to date was a special exhibition at the Hammer Museum, Los Angeles in 2017. 


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